“Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.”


This phrase was scrawled on a placemat in a restaurant in Sausalito, CA in 1982 by Anne Herbert. Shortly thereafter, Herbert’s book Random Acts of Kindness, was published and thus began a movement to quietly spread compassion and beauty through good deeds toward others, encouraging a chain reaction of benevolence.

National Acts of Kindness Week is February 11th – 17th and encourages people to take the week to perform a random act of kindness each day. Having demonstrated the power of “paying it forward” many times over, we can’t wait to see how Cochlear volunteers will be spreading kindness through small, unexpected acts during this week-long celebration. We have some easy and fun ideas to inspire you and some Random Acts of Kindness printable cards to use to make kindness contagious.

Start sharing kindness this week! Download Cochlear’s Random Acts of Kindness Cards!

Let’s unite as one community to share kindness ideas and acts in the hopes of making the world a better place. Please share photos of your Random Acts of Kindness on Cochlear’s Facebook page to commemorate the week and to inspire others. Check back at the end of the week as we share some of our favorite Random Acts of Kindness photos!

Here are some Random Acts of Kindness ideas to get you started:

  1. Leave a thank you note for someone who has helped you.
  2. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line at the coffee shop.
  3. Write a positive comment on a website or blog.
  4. Donate towels, blankets or food to an animal shelter.
  5. Compliment a parent on how well-behaved their child is.
  6. Write a letter to a deployed or wounded member of the military through Operation Gratitude or Soldiers’ Angels.
  7. Be kind and appreciative to your server.
  8. Leave quarters at the laundromat.
  9. Write a compliment on the Facebook wall of each of your friends. “What I like most about you is…You inspire me to…I admire you because…”
  10. Share an inspirational quote with someone.
  11. Leave an appreciation note or a treat for your postal carrier.
  12. Write down someone’s best qualities and share it with them.
  13. Put a surprise note in the lunch of your children or spouse.
  14. Send a note to a senior at Love for the Elderly.
  15. Write a compliment to yourself and encourage your friends to write something good about themselves as well – be kind to yourself.

Want to know what doubles when you share it? Kindness! Share the good vibes and perform one random act of kindness each day this week.

Kindness starts with one. Find out more by visiting the Random Acts of Kindness website.

Nancy Klein
Nancy Klein is the Cause Marketing Manager for Cochlear Americas. She is responsible for managing Cochlear's philanthropic relationships and campaigns that enhance awareness and contribute to the greater good. With a background in non-profit development, Nancy continues to be inspired by the life-changing nature of her work with Cochlear.